Episode 0.02 Do [Content] Right

Internet Radio, Pastor-Authors, and Trade Agreements

Tagged: Christianity, ethics, music, technology

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Show Notes

In which we talk about doing “content” right—whether that content is streaming radio, books published by Christian pastors, or massive trade laws.



Sometimes, because we’re just that cool, we’ll include bonus content related to the show. Case in point: today, you get the full text of the OpenMedia survey discussed on the show. NEAT.

Open Media’s Citizen-Powered Digital Future Survey

If you so desire, you can visit and participate in the original. If you’re just curious about the questions they’re asking, take a look:


The Hosts

Chris Krycho is a software engineer, podcaster, writer, and occasional composer. He lives with his family in Colorado.

Stephen Carradini is a digital media scholar and professor, writer, editor, and songwriter. He lives with his family in Arizona.


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